Look! Beautiful Music!

Posted by Bea Cloke on Thursday Apr 2, 2020 Under Album, Composition, Music

Self Isolating Compilation

Musicians, sound makers and artists isolated and creating. Solo sound works all recorded at home.

Volume 2 will bring the artists together.

I started coming up with the idea for the >>>>Self Isolating Compilation<<<<< just before the full lockdowns started – we were all being told it would be a good idea to stay at home, but the Governmental edicts hadn’t started. By the time the last tracks came in we are all forced to stay in, and find new ways of working.

For musicians this enforced isolation seems especially cruel, as music is, possibly above all, a social activity that explores not just the interaction between musicians, but also between musicians and an audience.
Even if I avoid the cliche of the falling tree in an empty forest, the idea of making music in a void seems strange.

These 85 (Eighty Five!) tracks are an attempted answer to the conundrum, all recorded in isolation at home, and almost all solo (the exceptions being three improvising musicians who share a house, and a father and son duo) throughout the world. There are tracks from UK, USA, France, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Ireland and the Canary Islands. The result is a kaleidoscope…

Released April 2, 2020

>>>>>Self Isolating Compilation<<<<< was put together by Richard Sanderson for Linear Obsessional. March/April 2020

The cover art is by Joanna McCormick
Dedicated to the memory of Kassia Flux.

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